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Traduis mon vin joins La Vigne Numérique

Like for most translators nowadays, most of the content I translate ends up somewhere on the Internet. I am therefore very aware that a company's or brand's digital presence plays a crucial role in enhancing its visibility, credibility and its opportunities in general. These are of course also key challenges for French winemakers, especially those wishing to conquer export markets.

Lately, I have been increasingly providing translation for French start ups seeking to innovate in the wine world (Vinomusic, Sarmance, 10-vins...). Some of these start-ups from in and around Nantes (referred to by Wire Magazine as "an up-and-coming technology city") have decided to join together to form a business cluster called La Vigne Numérique. La Vigne Numérique has set itself nine main missions:

- facilitating consumers' understanding of wine with the help of digital tools and solutions

- raising awareness of evolving digital practices in the producer-consumer relationship

- facilitating its members' access to markets

- using digital technology to bring producers and consumers closer together

- developing synergies between locally based wine and digital business operators

- encouraging B-to-B interactions between its members

- demystifying wine for consumers

- enhancing visibility for its members

- helping winemakers to get to grips with digital tools and technology.

As anything posted online potentially has global reach, a professional quality of English is important to succeeding digital challenges like the ones mentioned above. As a translator who is comfortable with social media, I felt that I could contribute to La Vigne Numérique's goals and have therefore accepted their invitation to become a member of the cluster.

Travaillant majoritairement avec des supports à destination du Web, j’ai constaté que la présence numérique d’une entreprise ou d’une marque lui offre davantage de visibilité, de crédibilité et d’opportunités. Il s’agit d’enjeux clés pour les acteurs du vin français, notamment à l’export. De plus, ces derniers temps, mes services ont été de plus en plus sollicités par des startups souhaitant lier vin et innovation (Vinomusic, Sarmance, 10-vins... ). En tant que traductrice « connectée », j’ai donc voulu soutenir ce mouvement en rejoignant La Vigne Numérique. A travers une communication professionnelle en anglais, je peux accompagner le cluster sur des projets à dimension internationale.

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