Start-up assembly 10-vins / D-vine
It was really interesting to meet the founders and team at 10-vins at their Startup Assembly open evening event tonight.

10-vins are the creators of the D-vine machine - the Nespresso machine of the wine world. D-vine brings your glass of wine to the right service temperature and gives it the optimum aeration (equivalent to decanting three hours in advance) in under a minute.
We tested their wines, which are sold in recyclable test tube-like glass containers, served both straight into the glass and through the machine. There was a clear difference in the temperature - the machine's service temperature was in fact cooler on the red wine than the room temperature and this seemed to allow fruitier aromas to show on their St. Chinian.
So it seems likes an excellent solution for those nights when Monsieur wants a glass or red and Madame a glass of white, and when opening a bottle (and drinking it all) just isn't an option. I just have one question left though: who will be the George Clooney of the wine machine?